Wednesday, May 7, 2014

NINJA tools and weapons

1.Zukkin ( mask )
2.Ninja-To (Ninja sword)
3.Shurikken (throwing weapons)
4.Kage Nawa (hook and rope)
5.Amigasa (straw hat)
6.San shaku Tenugui (piece of clothes)
7.Tobaco ire ( tobacco pouches but instead Ninja used them for Gunpowder)
8.Kayaku ire (Gunpowder pouches)
10.Tabi ( Ninja boots)
11.Uwagi (Ninja jackets)
12.Tetsu bishi (used to tackle following enemies by throwing them in thier path)

this are just few examples of the Ninja tools.

Also the Shoninki mentioned that the Ninja six basic tools ( called Shinobi Ningi ) :
1. Amigasa
2. Kage Nawa
3.Sekki bitsu (engravings)
4.Kussuri (Medicines)

5.Sanshaku Tenugui
6.Tsuketake( tools for making fire)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

SHUKKÕ the first secret of TOGAKURE RYU NINPO

Shukkõ (fist claws)(also called Tekagi) one of three secret weapons of the Togakure Ryu Ninpo Taijutsu, used by Togakure Ninja for climbing trees and some kind of walls as well as Taijutsu, this weapon is so easy to hide inside the Uwagi ( Ninja jackets ) and its natural look makes it a perfect Ninja tool.

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Shinobi Aruki

Shinobi Aruki :

Shinobi Aruki (Ninja Walking) are collection of walking techniques (steps) used by the Ninja for silent and effective movement, those are classified under the Shinobi Iri Techniques (ways of concealment and espionage).
 Every school / tradition of Ninjutsu have its own collection of steps, some of them is still practiced well and remembered and other are forgotten, So what I'm trying to do here is to collect as many techniques of Shinobi Aruki as I can as well as mentioning their sources (school witch they came from, containing Densho's ... etc) ;

Shinobi Aruki (Ninja Walking) known techniques :

 1-Yoko Aruki (Sideways walk) :

 -Done by crossing the legs while walking sideways and keeping the arms extended by the sides or angling .
 -Used to cross large distances covering oneself in the shadow of a wall (back facing wall).
 -It is said that this technique came from Koto-Ryu(which means that it is included in the Bujinkan) but I don't think because it is more famous than to be just a Koto-Ryu technique, I think Yoko Aruki was famous then as now because it is mentioned by a lot of schools.

2-Nuki Ashi (Stealthy step) :

-Done by shifting the weight from leg to leg while probing by the leading leg for any obstacles on the ground, while changing the step the moving leg pass by the ankle of the standing leg and just barely touching it (done forward)
-Used to pass wooden floors (Japanese wooden floors usually makes sounds when placing the foot on it)
-While this technique is included in the Bujinkan it is also mentioned in the Shoninki (historical book about the Shinobi and when talking about Shoninki most people refer to Natori-ryu; Natori is the author of this book ) under the title of Shinobi Ashi Nami Jukka Jo ( ten techniques of ninja walking ) beside to other 9 techniques.

3-Ko Ashi ( Little Step) :

-Done by lifting the foot high with the balls pointed down while moving.
-Used to pass water surfaces so the lifting movement will help not to make sound while moving through water, Also used to pass high grass surfaces for the same reason;
-This is a basic technique in the Bujinkan system, Also one of the Shinobi Ashi Nami Jukka Jo (Mentioned in the Shoninki)

4-Shime Ashi ( Tight / Choking Step) :

-Done by placing the knees together and moving forward while placing the heel first.
-Used to cross unstable surfaces.
-One of the Shoninki's Shinobi Ashi Nami Jukka Jo, some masters (such as master Anshu Christa Jacobson ; Soke and founder of the Budo ryu ) include it in their training programs for traditional reasons mostly, and I wanna profit the occasion to thank them for that.

5-Suri Ashi ( Sweeping / Rubbing Step): 

-Done by sweeping the legs and rubbing them against the ground to make a non-human sound.
-Used when making sound can't be avoided so nearby enemies will think that it is just small animals.
-Not very popular, One of the Shinobi Ashi Nami Jukka Jo, some say that it is a Tomo-Ryu technique.

6-O Ashi (Big Step):

-In the Bujinkan it is similar to Yoko Aruki But much wider.
-Used to pass gaps generally (water, holes, bodies...etc)
-Bujinkan included, Shinobi Ashi Nami Jukka Jo, any other information is not really sure.

7-Wari Ashi (Quick Step):

-Mentioned in the Shoninki that it is done by facing the feet against each other ani other information is not sure.
-Said to be used to execute quick takedowns from behind.

8-Tobi Ashi (Flying step):

-Done by jumping forward from leg to leg while watching carefully the footing
-Used to escape a situation  silently so the Ninja can hide while running.
-Mentioned in the Shoninki and sai to be a Tomo-Ryu technique.

9-Kata Ashi (One step):

-Simply using one foot to walk (jumping) some hold their hands in front of the chest while doing it.
-Done when the other foot is damaged or for some other situations, anyway we just have some infromations about this Ashi.
-One of the 10 technique mentioned in the Shoninki.

10-Kizami Ashi (Small Step):

-Anshu Christa Jacobson claims that this technique is thought by details in the Budo-Ryu Dojo, but a lot of people believe that the exact body movement of this technique is forgotten.
-One of the Shinobi Ashi Nami Jukka Jo.
-Said that it was used when the Ninja is not sure about the situation.

11-Tsuenue No Ashi (Normal Step):

-This is the usual stepping but the Ninja train him self to do it more silently 
-Used to Approach someone or some place silently without drawing attention by weird movements (I think it can be used more in plain view situations.
 -The tenth and last of the Shinobi Ashi Nami Jukka Jo

12-Mawashi Ashi (Turning step):

-Done by doing a Yoko Ashi while crossing the leg from behind so the Ninja can perform a 360 degrees scanning.
-Used for checking out the  environment, or changing the direction.
-Thought detailed in the Bujinkan system.

13-Inu Bashiri (Dog Walk):

-Simply walking on all fours (both hands and feet)
-Used to pass under cover or through holes 
-Generally this technique is from the main Iga-Ryu.

14-Kitsunue Bashiri (Fox walk)

-The same as Inu Bashiri but done by lifting the body by the fingers and the toes to make it perfectly silent.
-From Iga-Ryu.

15-Shinsou Usagi /Shinsou Toh Hou (Known as Deep Grass Rabbit Walk):

-This technique demands a lot of training to make it even work, Done by walking by placing the feet on the hands (palms facing down)
-Pure Iga-Ryu technique, Soke Christa claims that this technique is included in the Budo-Ryu BUT!!
*She is demonstrating it in a new way away from the Original Iga-Ryu Original and PERFECT technique, Because the original is done by placing the right hand first of the floor then placing the LEFT! foot on it then the opposite and it is Extremely silent but the technique that Soke Christa showing is just walking on the hands left to left and right to right and I can't see how that technique can be silent and in Budo Ryu we saw a sideways Inu-Bashiri wich is other new technique for most Ninjutsu Experts?! (Not saying that Soke Christa is just making up things but I just care about authenticity and Ninjutsu)
-This technique used to walk extremely silent and some times when the ninja faces some sleeping people they hold a small scroll of paper on their mouths to avoid breathing sounds.

16-Shinobi Ashi (Ninja step):

-Done by placing the small toe first then the others in a circular motion then completing the step.
-Used to carefully check the ground before stepping.
-This is an Iga-Ryu technique that we can say that it replaces the Nuki Ashi from other schools.

17-Uke Ashi (Floationg step):

-Done by moving to the fingertips while carrying the body in a deep floating motion .
-Used for quick sneaky attacks.
-Came from Iga-Ryu and other schools of Iga province.

18-Ryo Hebi (Snake Crawl):

-Done by crawling on the ground.
-Used to hide while moving using Nature. 
-Pure Bujinkan (lot of schools) technique.

19-Karasu Aruki(Crow walk):

-Done by running in a Yoko Aruki manner.
-Used to Change position from hiding point to another.
-Pure Bujinkan technique (I didn't heard about other schools including this step).

20-Kakareru ni Ishi ( Hidnig like a Rock):

-Done by crossing the legs as if doing Yoko Aruki then dropping the body to the ground and hiding .
-Used in shadowy and dark places beside a wall or trees to avoid guards.
-Other Bujinkan technique (not sure about witch school it comes from Togakure Ryu, Kumogakure Ryu or Gyokoushin Ryu)

21-Saguri Aruki (Low walk):

-Done by lowering the body and walking on the feet placing the outer edge first just like in Nuki-Ashi and using the hands to check the ground from obstacles.
-Used in Darkness to avoid enemies sight, because it is a basic thing in the Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu to avoid letting your body's silhouette to be seen by the enemies lower than you in the sky (in moon light).
-Pure Bujinkan , didn't heard about other schools including this technique. 

*Lastly, this page is under construction I will add more soon, for tutorial on doing this techniques by video, more information, or correcting some wrong information Please! contact me at any time :
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BujinJutsu Blog Oppening

                  Through the last years Ninjutsu world expanded and millions of followers appeared, and when talking about unorthodox art such as Ninjutsu it is so complex to separate fact from fancy, SO! I started my blog today just to share my experiences and to set beginners in the right path for a real and authentic study .

The Bujinkan :

Maasaki Hatsumi Soke of the Bujinkan
Massaki Hatsumi Soke (GrandMaster) of the Bujinkan.

The Bujinkan (武神館) is an international martial arts organization based in Japan and headed by Masaaki Hatsumi. The combat system taught by this organization comprises nine separate ryūha, or schools, which are collectively referred to as Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu.[ The Bujinkan is most commonly associated with ninjutsu. However, Masaaki Hatsumi uses the term Budo (meaning martial way) as he says the ryūha are descended from historical samurai schools that teach samurai martial tactics and ninjutsu schools that teach ninja tactics.

''Forget your sadness, anger, grudges, and hatred.
 Let them pass like smoke caught in the breeze.
 You should not deviate from the path of righteousness; 
you should lead a life worthy of a man. 
Don't be possessed by greed, luxury, or your ego. 
You should accept sorrows, sadness and hatred as they are,
 and consider them a chance for trial given to you by the powers... a blessing given by nature.
 Have both your mind and your time fully engaged in budo,
 and have your mind deeply set on bujutsu."

                                                                                Sensei Maasaki Hatsumi